Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Time: 5:15am
Distance: 3.11 miles
Pace: 11:10

Ugh. Why oh why can't I break 34 minutes for a 3 mile run?! Even if it feels like I'm keeping a pretty good pace, I can never seem to get my time down below 34 minutes. Back in March/April we were running it in about 33 & some change, but I just can't seem to get back to that. Although, I do think that back then we were taking more walk breaks because we were running at a pace that I couldn't sustain for very long. Oh well. I guess I'll just keep up with my schedule and see what happens. I still haven't done any "long" runs yet - I missed out on Sunday's 6-miler because I went out on Saturday night. Oops! I've decided that I need to switch my long run days to Saturday, because the chances of me going out on a Friday are much slimmer than the chances that I'll go out on a Saturday. But I think (I hope!) that once I start logging runs that are 6+ miles, my times for the shorter distances will improve. I would LOVE to get under 30 for the 9/11 5k I'm running in September, and I'm fairly confident I can do that. I'll just really have to start pushing my pace, and pay special attention to my "speed" workouts on Thursdays. This Thursday I'm scheduled to do 4 miles with 2 miles of fartleks. We'll see how it goes.

Here's my stupid running story for the day - when I run early in the morning I usually end up dodging a bunch of sprinklers. This morning I successfully either ran around or jumped over a half dozen in a row, and when I got to the last one I figured I would just run through it (heck, I could use a cool-down). Little did I realize that the sprinkler wasn't just "misting" out the water, it was a full jet stream! So I ended up being pelted on the side of my head with a stream of water. I spent the next 10th of a mile trying to get water out of my ear. Fun times.

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